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Active CASE Partners/Projects

Asymptote Ltd

Current students/projects:

Martin Daily - From clouds to cells: fundamental studies of ice nucleation applied to the atmospheric sciences and cryopreservation

AWE Blacknest

Current students/projects:

Itahisa Gonzalez Alvarez - Towards an understanding of Earth’s structure – The development of adaptive optics approaches for Seismology

Badley Geoscience

Current students/projects:

Dorothy Drayton - Impact of faults on fluid flow in microbial and hydrothermal carbonates

Bioversity International

Current students/projects:

Louise Beveridge - Crop yield prediction for enhanced food security in Central America

British Geological Survey

Current students/projects:

Autumn Pugh - The early Toarcian (Early Jurassic) mass extinction event and recovery in the Eastern Tethys
Maurits Metman - Forecasting changes in Earth's magnetic field
Niall Gandy - Collapse of the British - Irish Ice Sheet: the role of climate and sea level changes

Dalradian Resources

Current students/projects:

James Shaw - Structural controls of orogenic gold in Northern Ireland and implications for orogenic gold genetic models

The Environment Agency

Current students/projects:

Josephine McSherry - Origin and fate of nitrate contamination in chalk groundwater

Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI)

Current students/projects:

James Shaw - Structural controls of orogenic gold in Northern Ireland and implications for orogenic gold genetic models

Icelandic Met Office

Current students/projects:

Rachel Whitty - Tracking and measuring volcanic plumes using drones

Met Office

Current students/projects:

Oliver Halliday - Storms, water and atmospheric dynamics
Hana Pearce - Nitrate aerosol: implications for climate and air quality
Bethany Woodhams - Severe weather over East Africa

Natural England

Current students/projects:

Rachael Osguthorpe - Upland soil functions under organic grazing systems

Network Rail

Current students/projects:

Iain Johnston - The role of flooding on the activation of landslides on UK rail infrastructure

RSK Geophysics

Current students/projects:

Luis Rees-Hughes - The buried coast: developing novel geophysical techniques to reconstruct coastal landscapes

United Bank of Carbon

Current students/projects:

Jamie Wilson - Impacts of deforestation on atmospheric composition and climate
Laura Kiely - Interactions and feedbacks between deforestation, fire and rainfall over Borneo

Wildlife Conservation Society

Current students/projects:

Bart Crezee - Spatial distribution, carbon stocks and diversity of tropical African peatlands