Spheres DTP
Our students study the science of the Earth's atmosphere, biosphere and geosphere.
PhD Training
We recruit graduates in physics, chemistry, biology, maths, geography, earth sciences, computing, engineering, environmental science
Ecosystem services
We identify shifts in wild pollinator diversity, and assess how biodiversity affects human welfare.
Climate Change
We study the causes and impacts of climate change.
Animal movement
By studying how animals move in the field and the laboratory, we can predict their ability to respond to habitat destruction and climate change.
Conservation ecology
We study the dynamics of wild animal and plant populations, and how they are affected by climate, environmental change and management practices.
Tropical Forests
We study their role in carbon cycling and the impact of climate change.
Clouds, weather and climate
We study clouds to improve weather and climate models.
Environmental Measurements
We develop and deploy state-of-the-art instruments for observing the Earth's atmosphere, surface and interior.
Sedimentary rocks
We study earth surface processes and their change in ancient environmental conditions.
Grand Challenges
Our students are tackling the big questions in environmental science
Academic and Industry Partners
Our students study with the Met Office, NERC centres, industrial and commercial partners.
Earth Observation
We process and use satellite data of the Earth's surface and atmosphere.