2018 Starters

Simone Andersen
Department of Chemistry, York
Assessing the sources and chemistry of nitrogen oxides in the remote oceanic atmosphere

Daniel Bryant
Department of Chemistry, York
Improving our understanding of the role of biogenic emissions in urban air quality

Adele Dixon
School of Biology, Leeds
Understanding and managing tropical marine ecosystem interactions to improve their climate change futures

William Dow
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Atmospheric forcing of decadal climate variability
Partner: Met Office (CASE)

Michael Grimes
School of Geography, Leeds
Proglacial landscape evolution in NE Greenland in response to Holocene climate change

Nathanial McAdam
School of Chemistry, Leeds
A Comparative Study of Metals in the Upper Atmospheres of Earth and Mars

Maeve Murphy Quinlan
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
What do pallasite meteorites tell us about processes deep in the interior of differentiated planet(essimal)s?

Maximilian Nawrath
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Green cities, healthy cities: urban green spaces, human health and wellbeing in the Global South

Hanna Pettersson
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
The Future of Human-Carnivore Conflict and Coexistence in Europe

Ieuan Roberts
Department of Chemistry, York
Using negative ion selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry for detection of sea surface emissions
Partner: Anatune Ltd. (CASE)

Lucia Savastano
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Establishing the “play” concept in lode gold exploration

Liam Taylor
School of Geography, Leeds
Using a new generation of radar satellites to monitor Earth's ice sheets

Georgina Werkmeister
School of Geography, Leeds
How will tropical forests respond to increasing heat extremes?

Elizabeth Bowker
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Legacy of a warming world: Simulating ice sheet melt
Partner: Brithish Antarctic Survey (CASE)

Tara Cox
School of Biology, Leeds
Causes and consequences of personality in the Seychelles warbler
Partner: Nature Seychelles (CASE)

Emma Docherty
School of Geography, Leeds
Understanding Differences in Thermal Sensitivity Across Amazonian Tree Species

Joanna Dyson
School of Chemistry, Leeds
Heterogeneous chemistry of reactive species on aerosol surfaces

Joe Gallear
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Using deep machine learning for adaptation of food production to climate change
Partner: Unilever (CASE)

Heather Guy
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Summit Aerosol Cloud Experiment (SACE): Examining the Role of Aerosol in Cloud Over the Top of the Greenland Ice Sheet

Jack McGrath
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
The relationship between short-term tectonics and mountain building in New Zealand
Partner: GNS New Zealand (CASE)

Alexander Murray
School of Mathematics, Leeds
Stochastic Evolution of Populations in Fluctuating Environments

Connor O'Keeffe
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Oceanic anoxic event conundrums: reconciling palaeontology and geochemistry

Thomas Sim
School of Earth and Geography, Leeds
Response of pan-Arctic permafrost peatlands to rapid climate warming

Kevin Wong
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Explosive basaltic volcanism in the Ethiopian rift