Current Students
2014 Starters

Ruth Amey
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Modelling Earthquake Slip Distribution using Geodesy and Seismology

Michael Cook
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Optimizing enhanced groundwater bioremediation during pump and treat intervention
Partner: Synthetic Industries Group

William Fincham
School of Biology, Leeds
Predicting ecological impact of invasive species using comparative functional responses
Partner: Centre for Ecology and Hydrology

Oliver Halliday
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Storms, water and atmospheric dynamics
Partner: Met Office (CASE)

Owen King
School of Geography, Leeds
Early detection of Himalayan glacial lake development using remote sensing methods

Lauren Marshall
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Eruption source parameters controlling the climatic and environmental effects of volcanism

Zak Mitchell
School of Biology, Leeds
Dragonflight: Linking the mechanics and energetics of flight to conservation status and responses to climate change in dragonflies
Partner: RECCO

Erietta Moulopoulou
School of Mathematics, Leeds
Benchmark modelling of breaking 1D waves and dynamic shingle beaches

Autumn Pugh
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
The early Toarcian (Early Jurassic) mass extinction event and recovery in the Eastern Tethys
Partner: British Geological Survey (CASE)

Yvonne Smith
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
The impact of icebergs on ocean circulation and climate: past, present and future
Partner: United States Geologial Survey (USGS)

Ben Todd
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Simulating the thermal conduction of Lower Mantle minerals

Robert Woodward-Massey
School of Chemistry, Leeds
Improving understanding of tropospheric oxidation through chamber and field measurements of OH and other radicals and comparison with models

Katherine Doyle
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Chemical evolution of the neoproterozoic-Cambrian biosphere

Shani Garraway
Department of Chemistry, York
Long-term measurement and modelling of biogenic VOCs in a tropical rainforest environment

Thomas Ingleby
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Measuring and modelling the earthquake deformation cycle at continental dip-slip faults

Ilkka Matero
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
North American ice sheet collapse and abrupt climate change

Karen Mullin
School of Geography, Leeds
The benefits of sustainable urban drainage systems and the merit of community engagement in their implementation
Partner: Natural England

Hana Pearce
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Nitrate aerosol: implications for climate and air quality
Partner: Met Office (CASE)

George Taylor
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Multi-scale imaging of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (Turkey) across crust and mantle

Caroline Ward
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Protected area governance and livelihood security
2015 Starters

Jed Atkinson
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Recovery from the end-Triassic mass extinction and the role of temperature and anoxia in European shelf seas

Alessandro Balata
School of Mathematics, Leeds
Optimal utilization and sustainability of reneewable electricity generation

Graham Boustead
School of Chemistry, Leeds
Laboratory studies probing gas-phase production of HONO on aerosol surfaces

Timothy Dixon
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Geogenic N as a nutrient source of subglacial microbial ecosystem

Daniel Ellis
Department of Chemistry, York
Novel generation and visualisation tools for future air quality prediction

Solene Guenat
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Urban ecosystem services in sub-Saharan Africa: a multi-scale, cross city comparison

Maurits Metman
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Forecasting changes in Earth's magnetic field
Partner: British Geological Survey (CASE)

Adam Saint
Department of Chemistry, York
Atmospheric chemistry in the ocean surface: using novel detectors to probe air-sea exchange

Katie Smith
Department of Chemistry, York
Development of low cost networks of sensors for the detection of fracking gas emissions
Partner: National Physical Laboratory

Robert WIlliams
School of Biology, Leeds
An evidence-based approach to quarry restoration and ecological management

Bethany Woodhams
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Severe weather over East Africa
Partner: Met Office (CASE)

Louise Beveridge
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Crop yield prediction for enhanced food security in Central America
Partner: Bioversity International (CASE)

Alexander Brennan
School of Chemistry, Leeds
Novel detection methods to study the chemistry of atmospheric peroxy radicals

Jennifer Dentith
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Abrupt climate transitions using geological tracers of ocean circulation

Will Dixon
Department of Chemistry, York
Development of ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry to study atmospheric aerosol pollution

Claire Harnett
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
The mechanics of lava domes - developing new predictive models from dome collapse

Joana Melo
School of Geography, Leeds
Protecting the Peruvian rainforest in the face of land use and climate change

Eleanor Morris
Department of Chemistry, York
Human impacts on atmospheric composition over West Africa. Pollution, projections and policy

Caitriona Shannon
School of Biology, Leeds
Slowing the spread of invasive alien species: biosecurity best practice stakeholder engagement

Thomas Speak
School of Chemistry, Leeds
Laboratory studies of Amines and related compounds in the troposphere

Joshua Williams
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Examining how earthquakes work: the properties of small earthquakes, their fault zones, and their triggering

Jamie Wilson
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Impacts of deforestation on atmospheric composition and climate
Partner: United Bank of Carbon (CASE)
2016 Starters

Charlotte Allen
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Evolution, processes and deposits of high latitude submarine fans

Alexander Chambers-Ostler
School of Geography, Leeds
How does vulnerability to drought vary across the Amazonian forest?

Jordan Chetcuti
School of Biology, Leeds and Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH), Wallingford
Corridors of uncertainty: do ecological corridors benefit communities and ecosystem services?

Johan Fruh
School of Biology, Leeds
Niches, neutrality and species-richness: exploring the links between community structure and diversity patterns.

Huw Goodall
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Reconciling discrepancies between long- and short-term rates of tectonic deformation

Ruth Jeavons
School of Biology, Leeds
Individual foraging strategies of far-ranging marine predators: efficiency, effort and success

Alexander Krause
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Evolution of a habitable planet: An integrated modelling and geochemical study of the rise of oxygen to modern levels

Josephine McSherry
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Origin and fate of nitrate contamination in chalk groundwater
Partner: Environment Agency (CASE)

Siobhan Prise
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Subglacial Aquifers: Characterisation with Geophysical Techniques

Eloise Slater
School of Chemistry, Leeds
Chemical oxidation processes studied in a Chinese megacity during AIRPRO and evaluation of the UK chemical-climate model over Asia

Linas Svolkinas
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Biological and socio-political factors affecting the conservation of the Caspian Seal

Thomas Thorp
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Unravelling arctic climate change: short-lived pollutant, forest fires, and man-made sources

Adam Woodhouse
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Death in the Oceans: extinction risk in the marine realm

Michael Charters
School of Biology, Leeds
Climate change impacts on interactions between crops, insects and mycorrhizal fungi

Shane Daly
School of Chemistry, Leeds
Study of the global Nickel (Ni) and Aluminium (Al) layers in the upper atmosphere

Niall Gandy
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Collapse of the British - Irish Ice Sheet: the role of climate and sea level changes
Partner: British Geological Survey (CASE)

Samuel Greenwood
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Boundary Controls on Convection from the Top and Bottom of Earth’s Fluid Core.

Laura Kiely
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Interactions and feedbacks between deforestation, fire and rainfall over Borneo
Partner: United Bank of Carbon (CASE)

Luke Marsden
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Using seismic and tilt measurements to forecast eruptions of silicic volcanoes

Zara Mir
School of Chemistry, Leeds
Direct Observations of Criegee Intermediates and Reaction Products

Jenna Sutherland
School of Geography, Leeds
Control of large proglacial lakes on past outlet glacier dynamics in New Zealand

Stefan Swift
Department of Chemistry, York
Air Quality and Particle Pollution in Beijing, China: Investigating the role of organic nitrogen

Thomas Wood
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Novel climate feedbacks in the Earth System and their contribution to future global change
2017 Starters

James Cant
School of Biology, Leeds
Biodiversity in the extreme world of PangeaDifferences in life history strategies in corals in tropical and sub-tropical reefs

Jamie Carr
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Investigating the impact of livelihood-focused interventions on forest ecosystems, deforestation and associated environmental processes
Partner: United Bank of Carbon (CASE)

Bart Crezee
School of Geography, Leeds
Spatial distribution, carbon stocks and diversity of tropical African peatlands
Partner: Wildlife Conservation Society (CASE)

Dorothy Drayton
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Impact of faults on fluid flow in microbial and hydrothermal carbonates
Partner: Badley Geoscience Ltd. (CASE)

Hugh Graham
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
The evolution of porphyry-epithermal gold systems using trace element mobility and concentration

Thirze Hermans
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Conservation Agriculture and Climate Resilience in sub-Saharan Africa

Peter Joyce
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
How will Northern Ecosystems respond to Global Environmental Change?

Freya Lumb
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Exploration of the melting layer using multiple frequency doppler dual-polarimetric radar techniques

Leonardo Miele
School of Mathematics, Leeds
Modelling general mechanisms driving evolution in natural populations

David Orr
School of Biology, Leeds
The ecological genomics of seals in relation to environmental variation and the evolution of lactation strategies

Ryan Pound
Department of Chemistry, York
Developing a next generation representation of the ocean for atmospheric chemistry transport models

Rebecca Robertson
School of Biology, Leeds
Biodiversity and green space interventions for health and wellbeing in urban populations
Partner: Better Start Bradford (CASE)

James Shaw
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Structural controls of orogenic gold in Northern Ireland and implications for orogenic gold genetic models
Partners: GSNI (CASE) and Dalradian Resources (CASE)

Gareth Stewart
Department of Chemistry, York
Investigating the impact of combustion sources to air pollution in Delhi, India

James Ward
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Seismic detection of hidden primordial regions in the Earth’s lowermost mantle

Louise Brown
School of Geography, Leeds
Response of marine benthic ecosystem function to global change

Luca Cantarello
School of Mathematics, Leeds
Investigating satellite radiance data assimilation at different scales in an idealised convective modelling framework
Partner: Met Office (CASE)

Joshua Chambers
School of Geography, Leeds
Surface melting of mountain glaciers: the effect of ice surface properties on melt rates

Martin Daily
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
From clouds to cells: fundamental studies of ice nucleation applied to the atmospheric sciences and cryopreservation
Partner: Asymptote Ltd (CASE)

Itahisa Gonzalez Alvarez
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Towards an understanding of Earth’s structure – The development of adaptive optics approaches for Seismology
Partner: AWE Blacknest (CASE)

Joshua Hampton
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Novel Ways to See More: Using Dual-Polarisation Doppler Weather Radar Observations to Improve Our Understanding of Winter Weather

Iain Johnston
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
The role of flooding on the activation of landslides on UK rail infrastructure
Partner: Network Rail (CASE)

Andrew Mair
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Signals of the Ice Age in the tropics – new records from the Uruguayan Margin

Rachael Osguthorpe
School of Geography, Leeds
Upland soil functions under organic grazing systems
Partner: Natural England (CASE)

Luis Rees-Hughes
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
The buried coast: developing novel geophysical techniques to reconstruct coastal landscapes
Partner: RSK Geophysics (CASE)

Grace Ronnie
School of Chemistry, Leeds
Flux measurements of formaldehyde and OH reactivity in the atmosphere

Roxana Stanca
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Evolution of a micro-continent during continental break-up; re-evaluating the Falklands Plateau
Partner: British Geological Survey (CASE)

William Torgerson
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
The role of diabatic processes during the intensification of tropical cyclones
Partner: Met Office (CASE)

Rachel Whitty
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Tracking and measuring volcanic plumes using drones
Partner: Icelandic Met Office (CASE)
2018 Starters

Simone Andersen
Department of Chemistry, York
Assessing the sources and chemistry of nitrogen oxides in the remote oceanic atmosphere

Daniel Bryant
Department of Chemistry, York
Improving our understanding of the role of biogenic emissions in urban air quality

Adele Dixon
School of Biology, Leeds
Understanding and managing tropical marine ecosystem interactions to improve their climate change futures

William Dow
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Atmospheric forcing of decadal climate variability
Partner: Met Office (CASE)

Michael Grimes
School of Geography, Leeds
Proglacial landscape evolution in NE Greenland in response to Holocene climate change

Nathanial McAdam
School of Chemistry, Leeds
A Comparative Study of Metals in the Upper Atmospheres of Earth and Mars

Maeve Murphy Quinlan
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
What do pallasite meteorites tell us about processes deep in the interior of differentiated planet(essimal)s?

Maximilian Nawrath
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Green cities, healthy cities: urban green spaces, human health and wellbeing in the Global South

Hanna Pettersson
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
The Future of Human-Carnivore Conflict and Coexistence in Europe

Ieuan Roberts
Department of Chemistry, York
Using negative ion selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry for detection of sea surface emissions
Partner: Anatune Ltd. (CASE)

Lucia Savastano
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Establishing the “play” concept in lode gold exploration

Liam Taylor
School of Geography, Leeds
Using a new generation of radar satellites to monitor Earth's ice sheets

Georgina Werkmeister
School of Geography, Leeds
How will tropical forests respond to increasing heat extremes?

Elizabeth Bowker
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Legacy of a warming world: Simulating ice sheet melt
Partner: Brithish Antarctic Survey (CASE)

Tara Cox
School of Biology, Leeds
Causes and consequences of personality in the Seychelles warbler
Partner: Nature Seychelles (CASE)

Emma Docherty
School of Geography, Leeds
Understanding Differences in Thermal Sensitivity Across Amazonian Tree Species

Joanna Dyson
School of Chemistry, Leeds
Heterogeneous chemistry of reactive species on aerosol surfaces

Joe Gallear
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Using deep machine learning for adaptation of food production to climate change
Partner: Unilever (CASE)

Heather Guy
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Summit Aerosol Cloud Experiment (SACE): Examining the Role of Aerosol in Cloud Over the Top of the Greenland Ice Sheet

Jack McGrath
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
The relationship between short-term tectonics and mountain building in New Zealand
Partner: GNS New Zealand (CASE)

Alexander Murray
School of Mathematics, Leeds
Stochastic Evolution of Populations in Fluctuating Environments

Connor O'Keeffe
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Oceanic anoxic event conundrums: reconciling palaeontology and geochemistry

Thomas Sim
School of Earth and Geography, Leeds
Response of pan-Arctic permafrost peatlands to rapid climate warming

Kevin Wong
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Explosive basaltic volcanism in the Ethiopian rift
Associate DTP Students

Anne Barber
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Behaviour of convective updraughts
Partner: Met Office (CASE)

Chetan Deva
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Using global and regional crop models to inform adaptation
Partner: Met Office (CASE)

Alice Noble
School of Geography, Leeds
Understanding plant-soil feedback effects impacted by peatland fire
Partner: Natural England (CASE)

Ben Pickering
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Evaluation of 3D dual-polarized radar-based hydrometeor classification algorithms over the UK
Partner: Met Office (CASE)

Zora Van Leeuwen
School of Geography, Leeds
Woody debris effects on upland river hydromorphological processes
Partner: (CASE)

Stephanie Bradbeer
School of Biology, Leeds
Biosecurity to slow the spread of Invasive Non-Native Species
Partner: Environment Agency (CASE)

Christopher Kelly
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Solar and space weather impacts on atmospheric chemistry and connections to surface weather and climate.
Partner: Met Office (CASE)

Eleanor Pearson
School of Geography, Leeds
Impacts of sediment and debris from Natural Flood Management
Partner: (CASE)

Craig Poku
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Aerosol-fog Interactions
Partner: Met Office (CASE)

Dean Walker
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Seasonal Forecasts of East African Rainfall.
Partner: Met Office (CASE)