Associate DTP Students

Anne Barber
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Behaviour of convective updraughts
Partner: Met Office (CASE)

Chetan Deva
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Using global and regional crop models to inform adaptation
Partner: Met Office (CASE)

Alice Noble
School of Geography, Leeds
Understanding plant-soil feedback effects impacted by peatland fire
Partner: Natural England (CASE)

Ben Pickering
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Evaluation of 3D dual-polarized radar-based hydrometeor classification algorithms over the UK
Partner: Met Office (CASE)

Zora Van Leeuwen
School of Geography, Leeds
Woody debris effects on upland river hydromorphological processes
Partner: (CASE)

Stephanie Bradbeer
School of Biology, Leeds
Biosecurity to slow the spread of Invasive Non-Native Species
Partner: Environment Agency (CASE)

Christopher Kelly
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Solar and space weather impacts on atmospheric chemistry and connections to surface weather and climate.
Partner: Met Office (CASE)

Eleanor Pearson
School of Geography, Leeds
Impacts of sediment and debris from Natural Flood Management
Partner: (CASE)

Craig Poku
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Aerosol-fog Interactions
Partner: Met Office (CASE)

Dean Walker
School of Earth and Environment, Leeds
Seasonal Forecasts of East African Rainfall.
Partner: Met Office (CASE)