Owen King's Work in The Media
Jun 9, 20162nd Year DTP student Owen King's work on Everest glaciers has been picked up by a number of news outlets. Owen's PhD project is concerned with using remote sensing datasets to to extract information on present and past glacier flow and changes in surface elevation, as well as moraine dam geometry, glacier hydrology and surface morphology. He has recently conducted 2 field trips to the Himalayas and his work on the formation of glacial lakes and the risks they pose to the region have been the subject of some recent news stories:
- Rising temperatures severely damaging Mt. Everest (The Weather Network)
- UK geographers study risks of expanding ponds on Everest glaciers (Thomson Reuters Foundation News)
- Lakes expanding 'dangerously' in Everest glacier (BBC News)
- Lakes are forming on top of Mount Everest’s glaciers (Washington Post)
- Climate Change Is Melting Everest (Outside online)
Owen currently has a paper in The Cryosphere Discussions journal which describes the research behind these news stories. The paper can be viewed here.